Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Shell Script To Simulate a Simple Calculator

# Shell Program to simulate a simple calculator
if [ $# -lt 3 ]
echo "$0 num1 opr num2"
echo "opr can be +, -, / , x"
exit 1
case "$op" in
+) echo $(( $a + $b ));;
-) echo $(( $a - $b ));;
/) echo $(( $a / $b ));;
x) echo $(( $a * $b ));;
*) echo "Error ";;

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Certification Retake Policy

A certification retake policy is established by each vendor, to let you know when they will allow you to retake exams if you failed on your first try.

  • Comptia Retake Policy: If you don't pass the exam on the first attempt you don't have to wait to retry. This is true for the second try as well. However if you don't pass on the third try, you must wait 30 days before you can sit the exam again.
  • Cisco Retake Policy: If you fail your exam, you must wait five days before taking the exam again.
  • Microsoft Retake Policy: If you don't pass the exam on the first attempt you can retake it at any time. If after the third try you don't pass, you have to wait 14 days before you can sit for it again.
  • Novell Retake Policy: If you don't pass the exam on the first attempt you don't have to wait to retry. This is true for the second try as well. However if you don't pass on the third try, you must wait 30 days before you can sit the exam again.
  • Oracle Certification Policy: If you fail your exam, no matter which attempt it is, you must wait at least 30 days before retaking it.
  • Citrix Certification Policy: For your second attempt, you must wait 24 hours. If it's your third attempt and so on, you must wait 14 days.
  • LPI Retake Policy:Anyone who takes an LPI exam once must wait one week before re-taking. Anyone who takes an LPI exam a second (and subsequent) time must wait 90 days before re-taking. Anyone who passes an LPI exam may not retake that exam for at least two years.